Natural Newborn with a Toddler
So a newborn photoshoot with an older sibling, who’s still a toddler, can fill a lot of families with dread….but working with toddlers is actually one of my favourite parts of a newborn shoot.
They’re all so so different and reading what makes them tick is key, just leave this with me. I’d like to say it’s one of my super powers and if I can make the shoot slightly easier for sleep deprived parents then I absolutely will!!
These sessions are totally led by the kids, I will never make a sibling do what they don’t want to in terms of posing. Simply playing with toys, having a break with a book or good old bribes with some mini marshmallows all help a session to run smoothly.
My number one piece of advice with parents of a toddler, are to be relaxed!! Also I’m more than happy for you to just leave me to it with them. I can make the posing into a game and so many parents end up very surprised with how their strong willed toddler ends up cooperating!!
They’re never treated like they’re in the way during a session, they can come up to baby, I’ll naturally encourage gentle hands and this is always the best way to achieve the most natural, gorgeous images.
If you’re worried about anything in the build up to a shoot just let me know.
After you’ve booked in with me I’ll send you over beautiful welcome pack with so much information to help you prepare!
Thanks so much for reading!
Charlie x